In ancient times Kundalini energy, which is the Goddessenergy as it manifests in the human body, was known as the serpent force. This energy is not only our libido or our sexual energy, but it’s also a great spiritual, psychological, and creative force. Think of it as your life force.
Our Kundalini energy remains dormant until activated through meditation, dance, yoga, prayer, Sacred Sexuality, or a host of other activities. Once our Kundalini energy is ignited, it begins spiraling ever upward. This potent life force begins activating our entire chakra system, from the lower energy centers (chakras) up to our higher energy centers (chakras). Know that Kundalini energy is a transformative energy that has the power to burn away all that is untrue in our being and in our very existence. Once Kundalini energy is released, it has the power to propel our soul quantum leaps forward — even into enlightenment.
Unlike many other religious teachings, Tantra addresses the innate needs of the body as well as the heart, soul, and mind. It doesn’t separate spirit from matter, but rather strives to unify the two. Tantric practices teach us to understand and master our sexual energy as a method of opening and expanding the portals to higher consciousness.
The Tantric tradition believes that practicing Sacred Sexuality will awaken our sleeping serpent power. This awakening of our dormant Kundalini energy begins activating our psychic powers as well. We then gain access into the higher realms of Cosmic Consciousness.