Tantra has become a buzz word thrown around a lot in “New Age” circles. Most of what is currently being espoused as Tantra is, at best, a watered-down version of the ancient, highly disciplined Tantric practices.
Let me assure you, much of what is being packaged and marketed by New Age entrepreneurs is not Tantra, but little more than glorified soft-porn. This kind of New Age Tantra is dangerous, since it still keeps us in bondage to our sexuality, while giving the illusion that we have mastered it.
True Tantra originated in India more than fifteen hundred years ago, and is linked to both Buddhism and Hinduism. Tantra is part of the yogic tradition, particularly, Kundalini Yoga. Ultimately, Tantra is a spiritual discipline, philosophy, and path of life that leads to ever-expanding knowledge, eternal truth, and immutable wisdom.
This is an excerpt from the book “Grant Me a Higher Love” by Cindi Sansone-Braff. It is available on Amazon.