Remember, the etheric body corresponds to the physical body. Housed within this etheric body is the chakra system which is an energy system.
A chakra, which actually means wheel in Sanskrit, is any one of the energy centers. We have many chakras in and around our physical body, but for now, let’s concentrate on the first seven.
Carl Jung called the chakras “the gateway of consciousness.” These vital energy centers don’t show up on any medical diagnostic tests such as a CAT scan or an X ray, although some clairvoyant people see the chakras as “auras” or colors, and in Kirlian photography these emanations appear as a glow that encircles the body.
Our different chakras are aligned vertically from the base of the spine to the crown of our head, and spin at varying speeds. Our first chakra spins the slowest, whereas our seventh one spins the fastest.
The first three lower chakras are concerned with our physical body, while the higher four chakras are more concerned with our spiritual well-being.
When we’re in an emotional, spiritual, sexual, psychological, and physical state of well-being, the energy flows freely throughout the chakra energy system. Just the opposite occurs when we’re distressed — The energy flow gets blocked, and we begin to feel off balanced. Our physical body will reflect these in balances in the form of illness, disease, and nervous energy, since our energy body and physical body are hardwired to communicate to each other.