In my book, Grant Me a Higher Love, the concept of The Ladder of Love is discussed in great detail. But for now, suffice it to say that love is like a ladder that has eleven different rungs. The highest Rung on The Ladder of Love would represent our own personal love affair with God.
The second highest Rung on The Ladder of Love is our personal love affair with the entire cosmos and with all of humanity.
Below these Rungs would be the different kinds of romantic relationships we encounter throughout our lifetime.
The first three lower Rungs on The Ladder of Love, are Cellmate relationships, which tend to bring our the worst in us, and therefore we will learn most of our life lessons through suffering. Cellmate relationships are based on conditional love.
The higher Rungs on The Ladder of Love represent Soul Mate relationships which tend to bring out the best in us, and therefore we will learn most of our life lessons through peace, love, and joy. These blessed relationships are based on unconditional love.
Rungs Four and Five love relationships are called Razor’s Edge Mates, because they exhibit some characteristics of Cellmate relationships and some characteristics of Soul Mate relationships. Razor’s Edge Mate relationships are still based on conditional love. At this stage of human development, a high percentage of romantic relationships fall into this category.
Let me know what kind of relationship you feel you’re involved with currently. Is it bringing out the best in both of you or the worst?
In my next article I will be debunking some of the myths surrounding the concept of Twin Souls.
In the meantime, remember: Only love matters.

2 Responses
Great website!!!! Looking forward to your book. You have helped me so much over the past two years. I am blessed to know you.
Cindi, I honestly don’t know what I would do if I never met you. I guess that I would be struggling a heck of a lot more with the noise inside my head! Meeting you was a very big turning point in my life. I have gone to therapy but have NEVER felt the same “healing” that I feel after I speak to you. Your guidance is GREATLY appreciated. I could never begin to express how much you have helped me and of course, my gratitude. I am looking forward to your book and, especially, the workshops. I know that people will gain so much from your knowledge and you would never have it any other way!